Sparta Crypto
13 min readApr 26, 2022

Would you rather watch a video on “The Major Problem in the Crypto Space”?

There are many ways to WIN in crypto and profit, but what makes it so difficult for the new investor to do it?

From observation and experience in this space, it’s narrowed down to three specific things.

  1. Fragile Philosophy
  2. Fragile Principles
  3. Fragile Proximity


  • Is the ‘what’ and ‘why.’
  • Going over What is the system that’ll get you from where you’re at and where you want to be and have clarity of why you’re doing it.


  • Is the ‘how.’
  • Principles outline the key strategies you can follow to translate the philosophy into action.
  • Going over How to close the gap for new investors that want to multiply their money and use crypto as a tool to do that but lack the principles to know-how.


  • Is the ‘who.’
  • Who are you learning from and do they have skin in the game?
  • Our discord group is filled with sophisticated investors that are active in the game of crypto and WINNING because of the shared philosophy and principles.

Now that we’ve defined the variables of what most people in the crypto space are lacking, let’s take a look at this screenshot from a Facebook group:

This explains why people get WRECKED in Crypto.

This guy thought the best approach to investing was to join a random Facebook group of STRANGERS that have no idea who he is, or what his preferences are in investing, and he then proceeds to ask: “What’s the best thing to do for me?”

So before we get into the Fragile Philosophy, let's take a look at some of the comments:

Everybody instantly started giving this guy advice.

And if you are new to our world in Crypto, we are not going to tell you advice because we have to first know:

  • Who you are
  • What are your preferences
  • What you are trying to accomplish
  • What resources do you have to achieve it

Everyone is getting into Crypto to make some MONEY. However, most of their principles and philosophies of going about it are contradictory and this wrecks them, causing them to make NO money.

Our Spartan Commander, Joey, as you can see commented on his opinion because he genuinely wants to help this guy out.

Because those in the marketplace making millions of dollars in 24 hours are NOT jumping into a group of strangers asking “Is this a good token to buy?” or “Should I buy this NFT?”

The people making millions are NOT doing this.

Now in our experience, the cause of this “Fragile Philosophy” that is causing so many people to FAIL on their Crypto journey can be pinpointed to a few things.

Fragile Philosophy:

1. The Lack Of Clarity

People simply lack the clarity of their Operating System and HOW to make the BEST decision for themselves.

The most fragile thing that you can ever have is a lack of clarity.

The people who lack clarity are MISERABLE

All they do is bounce from one thing to another trying to find the solution because they are not GROUNDED in something that guides their decisions.

They have no filter mechanism or process of elimination to prevent being WRECKED in their crypto journey before investing blindly.

Now the biggest example of this that we see is where people are looking for that ONE coin that will make them rich and solve all their life problems.

People say this all the time:

“If I Just Invest Into This Right Coin, All My Life Problems Will Be Solved”

Yet if you asked them, how will it change your life? They will likely reply with “It will give me money to buy things”.

But if you ask, “WHY” do you want to buy those things and keep going deeper into their WHY, you will often find out that they have no real conviction on why they want this amount of money and how it will truly solve their problems in life.

For example, I want $5,000,000 to:

  • Fund my retirement
  • Live off the compounded interest so I never work again
  • Fund my highest priorities in life.

This is an example of someone who has CLARITY on why they do what they want to do.

If you don’t have clarity, then the best thing you can do for yourself is to “know thyself”.

This is one of the most sound philosophies that is the truth

It is the hardest thing to do and it's funny because the majority of people that we see in the crypto space, do NOT know their risk tolerance. They DON’T know why they are getting into crypto aside from money. And other than this, they don’t know how they learn or who their real friends are to help them on their crypto journey.

They are in this constant space of trying to go outward versus going inward

This is how most people operate and it is ass-backward. So before you make any investment in your crypto journey, ensure that you are focused on knowing yourself.

It will save you from so many headaches down the road in your journey

2. Rushing Is The Path

A lot of people think “Oh my gosh I have to buy this coin before it blows up so I can cash out and make millions”


This is why it is FRAGILE.

Warren Buffet, Elon Musk, or Naval Ravikant, who are all billionaires — do you think they rush when making a decision? Especially an investment?

Or do you think they think thoroughly about the decisions they are going to make?

It's of course the ladder. So think thoroughly before making that decision and do not emotionally rush into a coin or crypto.

3. Things are black and white, it’s all or NOTHING

This is why we focus on philosophies and principles. It applies to all areas of your personal life or professional life.

The Spartans Syndicate is a group with a common interest in winning both in crypto and in life

We want wisdom. The wisdom to not only apply something in crypto but in all other areas of our life to WIN

And if you don’t align with that, this project might not be for you…

BUT if you are vibing to the growth of wisdom here, where you can learn and implement it not only in crypto but also in your personal life to WIN — then keep reading.

People think going on a diet means that they can only eat chicken and broccoli, and that's it. I can’t cheat on my diet, I can't drink soda, and so forth.

It's black and white. And again, this is a fragile philosophy.

Because let's say you believe that Keto is going to solve all your problems of losing weight, but you don’t even have clarity on how much weight you wish to lose.

You just want to lose weight. This is very vague. And you cannot solve something vague.

But as far as things being black and white, thinking that Keto is the best thing ever without a filter mechanism going will result in a situation like this:

Imagine you go out to eat and everyone around you is eating carbs. This will impose some level of stress or anxiety on yourself and make you FRAGILE.

The stressor of everyone around you eating carbs (while you can’t because your Keto diet is black and white) will result in some kind of fragility in your life

This goes for personal life, business, and anything else.

If you do not maintain a filtration mechanism of what you are wanting out of your philosophy towards life, you will easily be broken by your fragile thinking from stressors.

4. YOLO — You only live once

This ties into the High-Risk — High-Reward principle as well.

If you operate by this, you will suffer.

Those comments on social media saying “I'm going to the moon with X coin, #YOLO.”

The comments of “Oh bro I see that Dogecoin is going off, I’m going to put in $10k and YOLO it”.

Or the “scared money don’t make no money”.

It's stupid.

If you were to invest money that you cannot afford to lose because you hear some narrative that it's going to go to the moon from strangers, again this is FRAGILE.

It's easy to break. It's easy for you to lose in life by being fragile and breaking from YOUR philosophy and principles over someone else's narrative or influence.

The last thing we want is for someone to come across Sparta Crypto and NOT be told the truth about how to win and LOSE.

This is why we are making this article and providing so much value.

The proximity of that will help all on their Crypto journey so that they can win both in crypto and in life.

Below are some of the fragile principles. Think of these as the POISON stopping you from winning on your crypto journey

Fragile Principles:

#1 — Abdicating Resposibility

Remember this guy?

He’s abdicating responsibility by asking other RANDOM people to give him the reason WHY it's good to invest in Vee Friends.

The real question here, is WHY do you think it's a good investment?

Another example is when people go into telegram chats and ask “Why should I buy this token?”

They’re abdicating the responsibility of taking the time to research it, to LEARN IT…

They don’t ask themselves what is this about? How can this benefit me?

So take the time to take OWNERSHIP of your decision on your crypto journey, and in LIFE! Don’t ask others what you should do, make sure you ask yourself first!

2. People Who Invest With Emotion (FOMO & GREED)

Why is this fragile? Because as our emotions go up, intellect goes DOWN

So the more emotional you are, the more FOMO you have, the harder it is to make decisions

This quote from our Gitbook article here explains this perfectly

You don’t need to do more smart things — you just need to do fewer dumb things. Stop making emotional decisions without thinking!

Be sure to review the article on our Gitbook about How To WIN In Crypto WITHOUT Getting Lucky:

3. Not being able to spot a charlatan

One thing you need to know about the crypto space is that people are incentivized to say or do certain things.

You Can Review This In The Gitbook Link Above!

Some YouTubers accept money just to say or do whatever the “scam” project influencer is saying for them to do.

For example, a YouTuber could be paid X amount to make a video on why this token is going to 100x and their followers who are waiting for that next big thing will act on it.

The YouTuber sometimes can be given tokens before the video starts, and then they sell the tokens when the video is uploaded so that they can cash out.

This screws over the viewers who are just waiting for the “next big thing”.

In other words FOMO.

Being able to spot these people is key and sometimes can be hard.

This is why we always encourage our Spartans to THINK before they INVEST in anything, and ask themselves: WHY?

If your emotions are up and you do not think, you are bound to fail.

This isn’t to say all YouTubers are giving out bad information or scamming people, but this does mean that you have to be on the lookout and not be tricked by the emotions of the “next big thing” in crypto.

Remember, Crypto is JUST GETTING STARTED. The most intelligent thing you can do NOW while things are warming up is to EDUCATE and gain the wisdom to make the best decision with what you have in front of you.

Not making investments on emotions or something you saw online

4. Impatience

Guardian On CoinMarketCap 4/25

Above is a chart from Guardian which is a project run by Nic ( If you know, you know).

If you had bought into the presale last summer, you would’ve made around a 900x from that investment

But for the first few months, you can see that barely ANYTHING happened.

A lot of people bought. A lot of people sold. But those who were PATIENT and know Nic and what his project is about were able to make over a 900x of their initial investment

This is NOT Financial advice but an example of how education and patience in the long run always win.

If you KNOW what the project is about before you invest:

  • You know the fundamentals and who is running it
  • You will have a higher probability of winning rather than just jumping into something blindly because someone else said something online about it being the “next big thing”

Winners can stay patient. They’re able to manage their emotions and domesticate their FOMO and Greed.

Remember, it's human nature to fear missing out and being greedy. You can't eliminate it, but there are strategies you can implement to mitigate it tremendously.

A way you can do this is by limiting the frequency of exposure.

This means limiting the time you look at the chart and stare.

If you are investing for the long term and looking into the chart way too much, it places UNNECESSARY self-inflicted emotional stress

AND THAT makes you fragile.

Remember, just be patient in your thinking and research. Don’t rush or get emotional.

5. Listen to the narratives

People buy into the narratives that go around such as this being the next 100x coin or this project is going to blow up and so forth…

And people buy into it…and it's so sad

Because again, it's fragile.

Listening to narratives instead of inverting and knowing the fundamentals of the project are the opposite way to go about it.

Take the time to listen to yourself and what you feel about the project by doing your research

Don’t invest blindly in others' narratives. You will lose. Take the time to learn what it is about and make the best decision for yourself.

6. Not learning

Not taking the time to step back and look at the Gitbook/resources is a guarantee of failure in crypto and life.

If you do not take the time to LEARN what a project or token is about and blindly go in, you are opening yourself to a world of pain.

By asking intelligent questions AFTER you’ve done your research with a project via its resources or Gitbook, it gives you a true understanding of what it's about, why it's going where it's going, and how you can possibly win with it.

So many people are reluctant to learn and it is a surefire way to failure in life.

So do not skip out on the simplest of things — learning so that you can be educated for your next decision in life.

7. Play victim when things don’t go your way

Simply put, know that everything you do is your fault.

You must take ownership of any decisions you make and not blame anyone for it when it goes south.

It will only make you sink deeper into the hole of failure versus using that lesson as a stepping stool to get out of the hole.

So always take ownership, learn, and be patient with your emotions.

Don’t rush or jump into something you don’t understand. Otherwise, you will be in for a world of failures.

Examples of Anti-Fragile Principles:

Remember, being Anti-Fragile is HARD to break.

Take the time to review these screenshots from our video at the top of this page.

These two examples will cover examples Anti-Fragile Principles:

“Success Is The Progression Towards A Worthy Ideal”

Remember, being Anti-Fragile means that no matter what happens, you will not be swayed.

If you are knocked down, you will get back up. Because you KNOW your definition of success.

So remember, and never forget:

“Success Is The Progression Towards A Worthy Ideal” → DEFINE YOUR DEFINITION OF SUCCESS

Fragile Proximity:

This is who you are hanging around in your crypto circle

You MUST Ask Yourself:

  • Who are you surrounding yourself with and are they winning?
  • Do they have skin in the game?
  • Are they around you for your BEST benefit?
  • Are they challenging your reasoning, logic, and evidence?

Who does this image above benefit? If you were to buy the dip?

It benefits those who are trying to sell on you.

You are people's exit liquidity.

People are looking to profit off of you and this is the proximity people CHOOSE to be around by having fragile principles and philosophy.

Results of fragile principles and philosophy

The Major Problem: People build their foundation of life on sand.

IMHO: Do not invest with a foundation (Philosophy, Principles, Proximity) built on sand.

It’s not a matter of if you’ll get wrecked but when.


